When a local UKIP councillor in Henley-on-Thames blamed local floods on gay marriage

Hands up who remembers UKIP.


But who remembers that time a local UKIP councillor got kicked out of the party for blaming the Thames bursting its banks in his home town of Henley-on-Thames on David Cameron supporting equal marriage?

Yeah, the man who invented Gay Weather.

Henley Herald (January 2014): Councillor blames Henley floods on equal marriage

I remember it because I rushed out at once and spent 80p on a copy of the paper edition of the Henley Standard so I could witness this landmark of religious bigotry with my own eyes.

And the the sake of posterity and your entertainment, here is the full text of David Silvester’s infamous brain-fart.

Remember folks: Break the Coronation Oath, and God will smite you with seasonal weather.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.