Smell from Essex lake causes pantomime nose-holding

This is why we set up Angry People in Local Newspapers.

If we can’t find a place on the internet to store photos of people angrily holding their noses, then we are lost as a civilisation.

Essex Echo: Toxic algae in lake causing ‘rotting bins’ smell

The only mystery remains is what she’s doing with her left hand. Trying not to fall into the lake, one presumes.

And while we’re here:

Metro: Never mind the story, SHE’S GOT A CLOTHES PEG ON HER NOSE

A clothes peg on her nose and a plastic bag full of dead flies. This is what we on APILN call paydirt.


Somerset County Gazette: People who live in the countryside find out that farming can be a bit smelly sometimes

Photographer: “I brought a couple of clothes pegs”
Angries: “Are you sure we won’t look ridiculous?”
Photographer: “Of course not” *click*