Peppa Pig ‘taught my daughter to swear’ – The F***ing Gazelles Controversy

Of all the urban myths surrounding Peppa Pig (most of them being spread by dingbats who think the cartoon is offensive to Muslims), this is the one that won’t go away.

And quite rightly, for the jury is out over whether Mr Rabbit said “Rocking Gazelles” or “F***ing Gazelles”.

Because Mr Rabbit is a foul-mouthed bastard.

Wales Online: Mum accuses Peppa Pig of teaching her daughter the F-word, the f-ing f-ers

For the avoidance of doubt, here’s the video in superb high-quality, copyright-breaking mobile-phone-o-vision:

I still have many questions about Peppa Pig.

If they’re all animals, why is there a doctor AND a vet?

F***ing gazelles.

A previous version of this story suggested that it was Grandpa Pig who said “F***ing Gazelles”. We apologise profusely for this libel, and have made a substantial donation to his favourite charity, The Bacon Butty Survivors’ Association.