Give Me Champ: Man makes good luck symbol for Andy Murray and it has actual magical powers

It’s Wimbledon time of year again, and for Angry People in Local Newspapers fans that can only mean one thing:


The time in 2013 a bloke from Kettering built a good luck thing for Andy Murray.

Northants Telegraph: Bloke from Kettering builds a good luck charm for Andy Murray, and even he’s not sure why he did it

The story contains the following memorable lines, which offer advice to anybody wanting to construct a good luck charm for their favourite sporting star:

Mr Smith’s piece contains a number of symbols, including Murray Mints, plant seeds – representing the seeding system at Wimbledon – a Union flag and a picture of a kilt.

Mr Smith said he was not a particular Andy Murray supporter, but added: “I do like watching it now and again”.

And in four years, the Give Me Champ witchery has seen Andy Murray rise to number one in the world and the first British Wimbledon champion since Fred Perry.

Proof positive that the Dark Arts do exist. and when harnessed correctly can be used for both good and evil.

The down side is that we have to keep seeing Champ’s sex face.